Friday, October 10, 2008


K ‘Bout time.
H I know, sorry, I got on the wrong subway.
K You would.
H I know, pretty pathetic. But there was a man on there with a great beard. You would have loved him. He was carrying a banjo. Almost asked for his number.
K For me?
H Yeah.
K You did not.
H I know.
K Snotbag.
H Wow I haven’t been here for a couple years. Looks better.
K Yeah, I guess they’ve spent a lot of time cleaning it up.
H How many years?
K Since 9/11?
H Yeah. Seven?
K Yeah I guess so.
H Sort of weird, isn’t it?
K Yeah. This place is still kind of eerie.
H I feel like we shouldn’t be talking here.
K Yeah. Do you want to go get coffee?
H No, no, I actually have to run. But I brought you your book. Thanks.
K No prob. Hey, look at that kid over there with his mom.
H Cute!
K I know. She’s crying.
H My dad was supposed to be here that day.
K I remember you told me that.
H I don’t understand why God says yes to some people and no to others.
K Do you think that’s how it is?
H I don’t really know. I guess so.
K I don’t really remember what they looked like.
H Like skyscrapers.
K Yeah thanks. Did you know that a lot of those tv shows used to have images of them in the intros but they took them out afterwards?
H I guess that makes sense. Sort of sensitive.
K Are you okay?
H Yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine.
K Okay, well call me later.
H Yeah I will.
K Lets get Starbucks tonight.
H Okay.
K Its hard to look at isn’t it?
H Yeah. And hard to talk about too.
K I know. And I wasn’t even that close to it.
H I know.
K Okay, hug me.
H Bye.
K Bye. See you later gator.

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