Friday, October 10, 2008

Farmer Talk

(seated in a fast food restaurant, talking to other local workers.)
It was the first time I had ever been on a train. Ever ridden the railroad. I am riding that train all the way up to Fairbanks, Alaska and looking out my window trying to see things. Too many damn trees. I never want to see another tree again. This here scenery is fine for me. Ain’t congested with branches. I listen to the whistles at night—the trains going through Alton with their whistles. Damn loud at night when you’re trying to sleep. Drive me crazy. Little Mary loves them though. She says, “When’s the trains coming? When’s the trains coming.” I say, “The trains come when you sleep, darling.” She says she wants to ride the trains all day and all night. I tell her about Alaska. I tell her the only thing she’ll see from that train is too many damn trees. Ain’t nothing like being here.


K ‘Bout time.
H I know, sorry, I got on the wrong subway.
K You would.
H I know, pretty pathetic. But there was a man on there with a great beard. You would have loved him. He was carrying a banjo. Almost asked for his number.
K For me?
H Yeah.
K You did not.
H I know.
K Snotbag.
H Wow I haven’t been here for a couple years. Looks better.
K Yeah, I guess they’ve spent a lot of time cleaning it up.
H How many years?
K Since 9/11?
H Yeah. Seven?
K Yeah I guess so.
H Sort of weird, isn’t it?
K Yeah. This place is still kind of eerie.
H I feel like we shouldn’t be talking here.
K Yeah. Do you want to go get coffee?
H No, no, I actually have to run. But I brought you your book. Thanks.
K No prob. Hey, look at that kid over there with his mom.
H Cute!
K I know. She’s crying.
H My dad was supposed to be here that day.
K I remember you told me that.
H I don’t understand why God says yes to some people and no to others.
K Do you think that’s how it is?
H I don’t really know. I guess so.
K I don’t really remember what they looked like.
H Like skyscrapers.
K Yeah thanks. Did you know that a lot of those tv shows used to have images of them in the intros but they took them out afterwards?
H I guess that makes sense. Sort of sensitive.
K Are you okay?
H Yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine.
K Okay, well call me later.
H Yeah I will.
K Lets get Starbucks tonight.
H Okay.
K Its hard to look at isn’t it?
H Yeah. And hard to talk about too.
K I know. And I wasn’t even that close to it.
H I know.
K Okay, hug me.
H Bye.
K Bye. See you later gator.